Sorry to disappoint Mr Stick but I did have that delayed UFO Night stitching session last night and this is where I got to by the end of it:
Why is it that the last bit always seems to take aaages to get done? Oh well, only another one (or maybe two) more sessions to see the cross stitch complete then it'll be on to the backstitch.
Not sure how long that will take but I want to free up that frame for a new start! I've got the Ozark SAL taking up the frame that Karen sent me (thanks again!) and the other spare one has been reserved for the Amanda SAL which starts tomorrow - did think I'd got another spare but that must have been an hallucination or wishful thinking or something. >rolleyes<>
Not much longer and we'll be finding out what the Monthly Challenge for February will be - can't wait to find out which design we'll be stitching! There were 50 votes taken last time I looked!
We are supposed to be going for a wander down the High Street soon, as it's our local Market Day - we'll have to choose our moment and hopefully the weather will be kind and hold off long enough for us to get our shopping done and get back home without getting wet, although we'll definitely be getting a tad wind blown! All garden jobs are now on hold but at least I managed to get out there yesterday and fill the brown bin with conifer clippings, ready for it being emptied today.
Dawn: I might be planning on us getting some DIY jobs done - that doesn't necessarily mean that DH will extract his digit and do them. He needs a rocket up for motivation, so I don't think it would do any good to send him round to yours. LOL.
Anyway, DH needs to send an email to work before we can go shopping, so I'd better go. Hope you're all taking care, keeping safe and staying warm and thanks for visiting. :0)
Yes the weather was horrible this a bright blue sky!!
Have you made a start on the Ozark yet? I haven't must,I get round to it!!Great progress on the UFO piece!
~Think I am as anxious as you to see this finished Karan - its oh so near the end.
ET looks fab, well done!!
We've got the swirling winds as well, but the sun is poking its head out this afternoon, bet thats to lull us before we get the big snowfall ... i better get some shopping done as i dont want to be venturing out if it arrives !!
Take Care x
ET's looking good Karan!
Hasn't the weather been awful. You're right about brisk and breezy! Roll on the snow!
I think we do have almost the same weather today!
ET is looking great and it's nearly to completion.
ET will soon be finished, a looking fabulous, well done Karan :)
The wind here has been very strong, but so far, no damage. I'm waiting to see if we get any snow tomorrow ;) I've just done an online shop at Tesco's incase I can't get out rofl
You can keep him then Karan LOL
ET is looking fab! I bet the backstitching won't take as long and you will have a finish in no time!
Bring on the snow, I love it LOL
well done its looking super
it's still flipping windy here and chilly
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